Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lost: Pre-Seaon Finalé Thoughts May 27, 2008

The fourth season finalé of Lost airs this Thursday. Here are my thoughts on what we can expect in that two-hour episode and beyond. None of these are all that original or insightful, but here goes...

1) The Orchid station is the teleprotation station. I'm not 100% sure, but I think we might have Ben teleport from that station right into his fast-forward in Tunisia that we've already watched. (Remember, he has to ask the hotel clerk the year.)

2) Claire has me stumped. There's obviously something more than a daddy-daughter reunion going on. Otherwise, its completely inconsistent with all of her previous behavior for her to leave baby Aaron. I'm guessing that she's seeing a level of importance to her role with Jacob and Christian that we can't yet appreciate.

3) So far, Kate and Jack come closest to being the two characters that come closest to having the capacity of living happy lives (but that's not really saying much). That seems to be the true constant "everybody hurts" (with apologies to Michael Stipe and the boys from REM). Hurley- hurtin'. Sayid- happy with Nadia- then hurtin'. Sun- happy with the baby but hurtin' for Jin (who I'm not yet convinced is truly dead). Michael- not really all that happy, as he's suicidal and guilt-ridden. Ben Linus- hurtin' and grieving. I fear for Penny and Desmond...

4) This week, we should finally get to see the temple and maybe start to understand the others and the "hostiles". People have lived on that island for a long, long time. Why? Where? How? What's their connection and importance to the rest of the world? When will I stop aking so many questions?


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