Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lost: Episode 4.11 "Cabin Fever"

1) My brain hurts...To re-cap, the following people are now dead: the ship's doctor, Gault (the ship's captain), Rousseau, Carl, and in a while Jin will die.

2) On the might be dead/might be something else list: Claire, Christian Shepherd, and Charlie (although we really do know that he IS dead).

3) Its Claire that has me really stumped. At first, I thought maybe she was dead. Now I don't think that's the case. But, what could be important enough to make her want to stay away from Aaron?

4) One theory, I'm pondering is whether Ben and Widmore are assuming leadership of two factions that pre-date either of their association with the island. How else could there be "rules" between them (including, until now, not harming each other's families) unless they had inherited or assumed roles established by other people. If we think that there have been people on the island for a very loooong time, why couldn't there have been two factions vying for control for a long time?

5) When will Ben double-cross Locke (again)?


1 comment:

  1. I missed Lost last night... I need your recap! :)
