Basically, Jin did have an affair with Jae, her English tutor. Sun’s father discovers this band sends Jin to go to kill him over some supposedly uncollected debts. Jin cannot kill him and gets him to promise to leave the country. But, as Jin goes to leave Jae comes crashing down onto his car- did he jump or was he pushed? He’s holding a set of pearls that he tried to give to Sun earlier. I can’t remember if she accepted them or not. If she did, then presumably she pushed him. If she didn’t then he jumped, heartbroken. In the “present” Jin, Sun, and Sayid try to ambush the others at the dock only to have the sailboat (“The Elizabeth”) taken by a squad of others. Sun shoots one of the others in the stomach in the course of this.
So, what’s the third season going to be like? The tough thing is that with the suspense of the first two seasons is going to be really hard to top, or even equal…
Here's a reply to this post someone e-mailed to me at work.
"FYI-Sun did not accept the pearls, in my recollection. I think that was about the time that her father arrived at the room and found his daughter cheatin'.
In addition, the first thought that came to my mind in regard to Jae landing on the car is that there was someone else there in the room when Jin threatened to kill him (perhaps there for the same reason or possibly lurking in the shadows to make sure Jin didn't chicken out on the mission of loyalty to dad-in-law). Therefore, the lurker pushed Jae out the window. ?????????"