The Beach: Desmond is still freakin’. Specifically he’s still seeing the future. After unsuccessfully trying to get Claire and Aaron (the baby) to move out of her shelter while he “fixes” it, he borrows the nine iron from the communal golf bag and constructs a lightning rod that saves Claire and Aaron. Charlie starts to suspect Desmond’s ability.
Sawyer and Co.: Sawyer schemes to escape and instead is out-conned by Ben. In a variation on a classic con, he is sedated and convinced that they have inserted a pace maker in his heart that will kill him if his heart rate goes very high. Sawyer falls for it and in the process convinces Kate not to try to escape (they are being watched anyways). In the end, Ben takes Sawyer up to the top of a bluff overlooking the water and shows him how they are on a smaller island “twice the size of
J & J: Juliet gets Jack to operate on and try to save “Colleen,” the woman who Sun shot last week. She dies. Jack sees the x-ray of an adult male with a tumour on his spine. Is this why he has been selected by the others- he happens to be a spinal surgeon.
Overall: Not bad. Not bad at all. The gag of having Sawyer’s hear rate go up while Kate was changing was kind of a cheap gag, though. Good set up for next week, hopefully.