Saturday, August 19, 2006

Goin' Digital!

Err... "Sad" news- our 35 mm film camera didn't fare well on the trip to Alberta (even though we didn't use it). I took it to A-Girl's last soccer game and discovered that it had stopped working. With a new battery it won't turn on and there's a visible crack on the zoom switch. So, I'm happy to report that we got a digital camera. Nothing fancy, but its more than we need.

Our new little friend is a Sony DSC S600 and we took her home today. Should make it easier to post...


PS- A big thanks to my mom and dad for lending us their digital camera for the Alberta trip!

PPS- ===> I've added a lotto the Alberta Trip pictures on my flickr page at:

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the new device... those pics are fantastic. I love home but man Alberta is beautiful
