Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There goes the neighbourhood...?

At some point on this past Tuesday, our house officially went "on the market." After ten years, we've made the decision to try to move closer to the city and to a larger home. The last month has been a blur of activity and progress towards that goal. We are fairly ready and have received good feedback from our realtor. She thinks the house is quite "sell-able" and that we should get offers soon. We'll see...

Here are the things we've done to get ready to sell (and then buy, but more about that later):

1) Mindset- we are a mean, lean get-this-place-cleaned-up-so-we-can-sell-it team,

2) We've worked together on this. Its nice to have a project (other than making a wonderful life together and producing a raising two human beings).

3) There has been a massive amount of stuff thrown out.

4) There has been a massive amount of stuff put in a self-storage locker (boxes, etc.)

5) I have done some touch-up painting in the bathroom and in the entryway.

6) Our septic tank has been emptied.

7) I pressure-washed the siding and windows.

On a really positive note, there was a family that asked for a private showing even before the sign was up (last Sunday). Nifty!

More later about where we'd like to go...


1 comment:

  1. Wow - that really is a clean house - if you need more money for the new house you can yourselves out as a cleaning machine! Good luck on a quick sale! Colleen
