Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday's Musing: Shrek

So, we didn't go yard camping last night because of the rain. The yard is still really wet, so the girls have graciously accepted a rein (rain?) cheque and are instead camping on an air mattress on the family room floor. We're watching Shrek.

Hmmm... So all of the fairy tale creatures are being sent to re-settlement camps? I never thought how much that was like ethnic cleansing... As anyone who's ever seen it knows very well, Shrek works on so many different levels.

Shrek's swamp = the Warsaw ghetto in World War II? Maybe I'm taking this too seriously. The girls are sure enjoying it, though.


1 comment:

  1. I remember thinking something similar. It made e think of the camps closer to home - the POW camps that were here in Alberta - I think that came to mind because there were two located not far from where I am.
