Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Canada Day Weekend-ing

Before we had kids, Canada day was a holiday when we had friends over and spent that day with them. Sometimes, I miss that tradition and hope to get back to it, in time. That said, we had a wonderful weekend with (and without) the kids. We all worked/went to daycare on Friday. Friday night we went to Super Mom's cousin's house (M. and D.) to meet a cousin who was "home" from Alberta. The four of us had a great time. "M." lives in a beautiful, large old farm house. The girls spent some of the time in their bedroom watching TV. Because they have an en-suite washroom, the girls compared the room and the house to a hotel (and a nice one at that).

On Saturday, we spent the morning around home then took the girls to my folks for an overnight visit. My dad's sister is visiting and they were able to spend some special time with her as well. Amid the dark clouds that only rained a bit, we went out to dinner with some friends (I surprised Super Mom). Sunday we picked the kids up and had a visit with my folks and with Super Mom's folks, out on the farm. We went home for supper intending to head back in town for the fireworks. The girls made other plans. After a couple of exciting nights, they were TIRED! Super Girl (3) fell asleep in the car (at about 5:15PM) and was down for the night! Action Girl (6) was tired but at least managed to have supper. No fireworks for us, this year (but that's fine).

Yesterday was a quiet day at home. This was just as well as Super Girl was under the weather. Today is the first day at home for S-Mom and the girls and will hopefully be a good one for recovery.

[Please excuse the tag here, but I am writing this on my coffee break at work.]

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