Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lost: "The Man Behind the Curtain" May 9-07

What the....?   What the heck was that?  My head is spinning....  My brain is confused.
Part "Deliverance" part "Poltergeist"...  I really couldn't see this one coming.  No one did.  I enjoyed the Ben back story.  I guess that a combination of forgotten birthdays and blaming your only child for killing his mother can actually lead to "parenticide."
Is Ben deranged?  Yes.  How deranged is Ben?  I have no idea.  I guess he was the Benedict Arnold of the Dharma-Others War of 1982?  (Does that time frame work?)  Did the other's cooperate backing in the "real" world take over Dharma Inc. as well?  How do you explain the way that Dharma still makes supplies for the island and can still air drop them to the Island.  Also, they have the resources to have a Dharma-branded line that ranges from Oatmeal to whiskey.
Almost every major mystery that's revealed in Lost leads to two things.  1)  Some viewers are happy with the explanation and others are very unhappy.  2)  It ALWAYS leads to further questions.
Is Jacob a spirit?  Is "he" a scam?  For anyone who watched Season One of HBO's "Carnivale" the parallels between "management" on Carnivale and Jacob on Lost are strong.  In Carnivale, we're given reason to think that management doesn't exist and is a figment of Sampson's imagination, used to keep the carnival folk (I'm trying hard not to write "carnies") in line.  In the end he does exist and then dies.  Does that sound familiar?
More to follow...
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