Our Christmas Tree 2006 DSC00857
Here's our tree! No one mailed this to us, though! :-) Long and wonderful story about a friend of ours...
Our hero, a late 30s-something dad of two tries to remember those things he wishes he'd said.
The girls were wonderful on Christmas Eve and Day. Its just so darn
cute to watch them play and hang out with each other. On Christmas Eve,
Super Mom's parents and two of her brothers (the two in province) came
over for our annual Christmas Eve Fete. The girls love their uncle
Christmas morning was wonderful. Kids really do jump up and down with
excitement when they confirm that Santa paid them a visit. Action Girl
(age 5 3/4) really, really loved her "Webkinx." He's a small stuffed
golden lab that she was able to register and adopt on-line. Super Girl
(age 3) is very happy with her Barbie head (the large one with the hair
that she can style). If we were able to get high-speed internet, she
could also play games with him (or at least a picture of him) on-line.
Later on Christmas Day, we went briefly to S-M's parents and then to my
parents. This was an extra special Christmas because Dad's sister, M.
is visiting, along with her daughter G.(my first cuz) and her husband,
C. Very cool to re-connect with them. BTW, my mian gift was a really
cool pair of NEW skates and S-Mom got a new Duvet and cover. Her gift
is more for sharing than mine.
Boxing Day was pretty quiet, although I wasn't feeling 100%. Very, very
achy and sore. Also light-headed. This got worse on the 27th but we
were still able to go to on an out on the 27th to stay overnight at a
local hotel. For less than $50 (with $10 going to the Childrens' Wish
Foundation), the four of us stayed overnight at the same time as Action
Girl age 5 3/4)'s best friend and her mom. We spent a lot of the time
in the pool and a lot of time eating and playing. (Polly Pockets and
stuffed puppies seemed to be the toys of choice.
We got back at about noon today. S-Mom is now quite sick with the bug I
had, but hopefully will get over it as quickly. The other thing that's
going on is that our furnace is refusing to heat our basement. It's
heating the main floor quite well, fortunately. I was on the phone to
our oil company today and my tinkering has solved little, aside from
ruling a few things out.
So, Merry Christmas to you all! There's been a lot written about how
Christmas is a whole lot more when you see it through children's' eyes.
For me, it just adds a whole lot more to the whole experience. Their
wide-eyed wonder puts all the fuss, bother, aches, and pains in
perspective. Ho, ho, ho, indeed! Hope to see some of you later this
week when everyone is feeling better. For now we're just kind of laying
At age three this is not her handwriting. They were her words, however.
My Christmas shopping is coming along fairly well. The girls (and their mother J) have all been pretty specific about what they’d like for Christmas. We’ve already bought my main gift. It’s a new pair of very comfortable skates! Skates for the non-hockey-playing dad! Skates for the dad whose skates don’t fit. Skates for me.
Its been more amazing than I could ever explain watching both of our
girls grow. They actually are pretty good friends by now.
Basically the following are the facts about our (only) bathroom:
1) It is ugly (this, we hope, will change),
2) It is small (yes, this will not change),
3) There is water inside the wall behind the tub (and maybe mould),
4) The shower/tub leaks down to the basement,
5) The sink leaks into the vanity,
6) We like the paint colour (we painted it about four years ago- it now needs to be re-painted), and
7) We deserve a better bathroom.
So, between 8 and 8:30 tomorrow they will start dismantling our bathroom, Version 1. Here's a shot of what it looks like today (with some things already removed to get ready.
Here's the floor (its actually much whiter than the flash made it look).
Here's the facet.
Here are the shower and the tiles.
Stay tuned- its going to be an expensive week!
Tonight's episode was low on mysticism and visions, high on suspense and
Kate's back story... I was happy with the episode but not blown
away. The whole episode revolved around whether or not Jack would
operate on Ben, aside from Locke, Sayid, and the new characters (Paulo
and ...?) burying Echo. Just to finish that line, Sayid and Locke find the "Jesus Stick" to bury it with Echo...
Both girls are starting to talk about their birthdays already (3 in
December and 6 in January). Presents, games, and invites, oh my...
So, basically all of those loose ends have been tied up neatly and the
series can end. Any questions?
The Beach: Desmond is still freakin’. Specifically he’s still seeing the future. After unsuccessfully trying to get Claire and Aaron (the baby) to move out of her shelter while he “fixes” it, he borrows the nine iron from the communal golf bag and constructs a lightning rod that saves Claire and Aaron. Charlie starts to suspect Desmond’s ability.
Sawyer and Co.: Sawyer schemes to escape and instead is out-conned by Ben. In a variation on a classic con, he is sedated and convinced that they have inserted a pace maker in his heart that will kill him if his heart rate goes very high. Sawyer falls for it and in the process convinces Kate not to try to escape (they are being watched anyways). In the end, Ben takes Sawyer up to the top of a bluff overlooking the water and shows him how they are on a smaller island “twice the size of
J & J: Juliet gets Jack to operate on and try to save “Colleen,” the woman who Sun shot last week. She dies. Jack sees the x-ray of an adult male with a tumour on his spine. Is this why he has been selected by the others- he happens to be a spinal surgeon.
Overall: Not bad. Not bad at all. The gag of having Sawyer’s hear rate go up while Kate was changing was kind of a cheap gag, though. Good set up for next week, hopefully.
Have you ever wondered what you and those closest to you would like if they were made out of Lego? Well, I hadn’t either, until I stumbled across this site:
If you follow this link you can make your own virtual Lego “mini” figure (the king with the yellow head and blank stare. What? Still not interested? Well, you too could preserve the likeness of those closest to you in well… virtual plastic toy-hood.
This is how Super Girl, age 2.5 yrs, sees herslef in Lego. Cute, eh? Yes- she really did pick those eyes.
Action Girl, age 5.5, picked the microphone, cap, and cape to prove that she is in fact a "rock girl."
When I showed my sweetie the Lego mini-figure site, this portrait of me, by her, was the result. Uncanny isn't it? That may be next year's haircut, though.
Super-Mom, the love of my life, in Lego. Considering her portrait of me, I think I've shown some restraint in not enhancing this picture.
[Picture: This is a drawing that Action Girl (age 5) made of herself, her mom and Super Girl (age 2) going to a planet to meet aliens. Its not every mother that could inspire that level of adventure. ]
So, what’s the third season going to be like? The tough thing is that with the suspense of the first two seasons is going to be really hard to top, or even equal…
2) Super Girl is now (mostly) toilet-trained. Yay!!! Good for her!
3) Super girl (age 2 2/3) can identify the letters J, L, and A by name. Neat!
4) Our next door neighbour had her baby yesterday (on the 11th). “C” is a brother for “A” who is Super Girl’s age (within a week). Action Girl is determined to one day be his babysitter.
Good night for now,
Dear Binky - you are indeed a die-hard fan of Lost. I say this because
of noting that
only a short time after the airing of the premiere you have posted a
well thought out
description. While talking to a friend this morning, she suggested
that to her memory
(which I must admit, is much better than mine) Carrie's partner was a
woman of color?? I must say I don't remember that but thought you had
remembered it correctly.??? This too will unfold eh! ---- Another
die-hard fan.
Hey B.,
I was excited to see the show again but I must say, the numbers of
unanswered questions outweighed the answers and it frustrated me
The resounding theme for me is experiment, experiment, experiment with
the prisoners! It freaked me out when Juliette knew all details of
Jack's life (beyond what they simply would have overheard him say). I
picked up on a little strife between Juliette and Ben which could be
interesting. Also, it seems these 'others' are leftovers from the Dharma
(?) initiative but I cannot get a sense of their purpose in their quaint
lives on the island or their need to 'test' the new arrivals. Hence, I'm
just too stumped at the moment.
I'm always interested in other's views. And yes, this Juliette
character was on ER. I did not recall where I saw her before until you
mentioned. Have a great day!!
my theory.....Jack didn't escape he was hallucinating
I'm "Lost" for words B. To put it more simply, when it comes to this
show I don't know my arse from my elbow. I so badly want to figure out
what is going on, but just come up empty handed (similar to the K Rock
Fugitive scenario). Just when I think I have a bright idea, it's
squashed by something even more bizarre and complex. The suspense of
this show kills me, yet I don't really want to know the truth because
that would just be boring. Can't wait until next week!
On Friday, September 14th, both of our girls took part in the
pre-school Terry Fox Run.
Super Girl (2.8 yrs.) is just as excited about skating this year even
without lessons. She did skate a couple of times last year on borrowed
skates- here's what adorable scene that looked like.
In other news, our next door neighbours, A. & S. are going to have
their second child any day now. Our girls are pretty excited for them
(we are too). A-Girl is already talking about babysitting the new baby
(not for a few years). Our two year-old neighbour "A" is, if you ask
him, absolutely convinced he is getting a baby brother. Hmmm...
This is how she sees us... Our family, drawn by five and a half year-old Action Girl, Friday Sept. 22, 2006. Note: my cool hair.
This is a cut-out paper version of the Solar System that Action Girl (age 5) started last spring and finished over the summer. It hangs in our kitchen.
A really, really cool Lego car that Action Girl (age 5) made today. Side view.
A really, really cool Lego car that Action Girl (age 5) made today. Front view.
A pretty great weekend for us...
1) Friday night: fire side time with Supermom's parents (looked something like this...)
2) Action Girl (5 1/2) started gymnastics on Saturday. She really enjoyed herself and also got registered for skating (starts in October).
3) Potty training: Not going so well with Super Girl... at least we (including her) are trying.
A real entry to follow when I have more time...
"The Haunted Forest Tree" - I don't actually remember this part of summer, but am very glad that Action Girl managed to escape from the scary haunted trees.
Personally, I was hoping maybe she'd draw a picture of our friends in Alberta.
More foam animals, this time by Super Girl... man, we love foam animals... doesn't everybody?
Its not every day you get to ride the rainbow... (to the Skittles at the end?)
I look at super girl's painting and just think she must have been happy that day, like she is most days.
The girl's artwork is the best, most accurate way to review our summer: Here is Action Girl's picture of the Calgary Zoo.
And, another pic from the beach. Sunday, August 28, 2006. Not our kite..
Yesterday we went to the beach. It wasn't hot, but was quite pleasant. More playground time than time in the water. The girls seemed to have fun and Super Girl (age 2.5) ran right into the water, fully clothed. The toy of the day for her was the fuzzy fellow you can see above- "Wooly Lamb" or as she now calls him, "Bully Lamb." Yes- he is in fact a goat. Click on the above pic to read more.
Here are a couple more pics of him (wait, why am I assuming he's a he... No udder?).